League of Fat Bastards
LOFB is a newly launched cigar brand, with a unique mission - to promote men's mental health, redefine masculinity, and encourage community and connection through excellent cigars. Through the sale of their premium Nicaraguan cigars, LOFB aims to address the pressing issue of men’s mental health by spreading awareness and donating 40% of their net profits to mental health charities and initiatives.
Launched in February 2024, the Serie-L was crafted as an everyman cigar or as they call it, a ‘goldilocks’ blend. Not too heavy, not too light, not too spicy, very approachable.
League of Fat Bastard Toro
League of Fat Bastards (LOFB) is a pioneering enterprise with a unique mission at its core - to promote men's mental health, redefine masculinity, and foster supportive communities through crafting and sharing the love of bloody good, premium cigars.
League of Fat Bastard Robusto
League of Fat Bastards (LOFB) is a pioneering enterprise with a unique mission at its core - to promote men's mental health, redefine masculinity, and foster supportive communities through crafting and sharing the love of bloody good, premium cigars.
League of Fat Bastard Churchill
League of Fat Bastards (LOFB) is a pioneering enterprise with a unique mission at its core - to promote men's mental health, redefine masculinity, and foster supportive communities through crafting and sharing the love of bloody good, premium cigars.