Montecristo Nicaragua
Montecristo Nicaragua is a premium cigar line that epitomizes the rich tradition and craftsmanship of the Montecristo brand, now enhanced with Nicaraguan tobaccos. This series features a harmonious blend of aged Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos, encased in a beautifully crafted wrapper. The result is a complex and robust smoking experience, with notes of earth, spice, and subtle sweetness. Each Montecristo Nicaragua cigar offers a full-bodied flavor profile, balanced by a smooth draw and a long, satisfying finish. Ideal for seasoned cigar aficionados looking to explore a new dimension of Montecristo's legacy.
Montecristo Nicaragua Toro
Montecristo Nicaragua Robusto
Montecristo Nicaragua No. 2
Montecristo Nicaragua Churchill
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Toro
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No.2
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Churchill