Tabak Especial
Tabak Especial cigars are a decadent indulgence, blending the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos with a bold infusion of coffee. Each draw is a seductive dance between rich espresso and smooth tobacco, leaving a lingering sweetness on the palate. Like a clandestine rendezvous, the smoke envelops you in a haze of luxury and temptation. These cigars defy convention, daring you to embrace the darkness and savor every moment of sinful pleasure. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, Tabak Especial promises an unforgettable experience that's as intoxicating as it is unforgettable. Ignite the passion and succumb to the allure.
Tabak Especial Toro Negra
Tabak Especial Toro Dulce
Tabak Especial Robusto Dulce
Tabak Especial Dulce Toro Tubo
Tabak Especial Corona Negra
Tabak Especial Corona Dulce
Tabak Especial Cafecita Negra
Tabak Especial Cafecita Dulce